Silhouette of a woman standing on a dock and overlooking a large body of water as the sun sets.

Standing on the Crest


I am pleased to announce that I am standing on the crest.

Though I am a prairie girl, I think of the obstacles in my life as a series of mountains to be scaled. And to be more exact, by mountains, I mean the large rolling hills of home.

As a child, my mother would screech “Woah Nelly” as we plunged down the rollercoaster dirt road in a clanking gas truck, waiting for our stomachs to fly, then praying we’d make it up the other side.

Later, my mother took us on camping trips to The Landing, where my older brother and I conquered tidal waves on windy days, wailing war cries as they tried to sweep us out to sea.

As a pre-teen, the bike ride into town was a delicious mix of soaring towards freedom and knowing that my legs would later burn as I battled the hill up to the trailer court, trusting that I would bare my teeth to the black flies and rise victorious above the Trans-Canada

These days, I trudge uphill through the seasons of my life, quads quivering, lungs bursting, head spinning, and I remind myself there are always two options: reach the summit or tumble down the rocky slope.


Let’s choose to persevere

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. – Walter Elliott

Persist in your pursuits. Break it down into digestible chunks. Make room for pit stops so you can recover and enjoy the view. Hindered by distractions, obstacles or discouragement? Remind yourself that no task, journey or goal is unachievable if it is realistic. Creating change in your life or achieving a goal will not be easy, but when you are standing victorious, the struggle will have been worth it.


What about you?

What’s on your horizon? What are you planning to overcome?

At the end of the day, let’s choose to be victorious.


And Now, an inspirational Article

The Science of Perseverance – How Your Beliefs Can Strengthen (or Weaken) Your Motivation by Michael D. Pollock.

And Past Posts, of course!

Road Construction for the Stubborn

The Art of Letting Go


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